but I hope that it will aid me in organising all the different things that I am doing. The biggest obstacle I want to overcome with it is the time that it takes me to put in a job application, I am very good at looking for jobs. However because of the not so accessible application forms that the majority of companies put out, it becomes a impossible task without help to filling these things on time. Hopefully the calendar will highlight some of the issues that I have and the time that it takes me to complete an application form.
a4e found me some paperwork that were Microsoft Word files, in the hope that it would be easier for me to filling the stuff required to sign up to the program. I managed to complete the straightforward ones, some would not open clearly on open office, this should not be a problem as my new computer has arrived and it has MS word on it! I will set the new computer up on Thursday! The document entitled About You initial assessment was a pain in the ass to complete because of the level of fields in it to make it look pretty, my screen reader could not read it I tried to simplify it but this was difficult as I could not read what I was doing I tried cutting and pasting paragraphs into WordPad but this was tedious! After five hours by chance my sister called me from Cornwall, she could tell I was tired and angry, and said that if I came down to see her (as I haven't seen her for four years) she would help me fill in the form. A little around the houses but at least it got, done.
Things completed
the CAD course at Enham would not affect the stuff that I am doing with a4e
the disabled adviser with BCoT college, can ring me direct to see if they would be able to deal with my literacy needs
Things to be done
we spoke about the jobs that I have found and an appointment has been made for me to look over my CV and covering letter (on 4th April 2012 @ 2.30)

I have put a few links to two past projects on this blog they show what is possible for me to do when there are no obstacles in my way. The two projects were created from the ground up and each one needed critical thought and problem-solving of the highest level to get them completed.
The first is viables under pass feb 06. I have also put the video here. This was a concept project and although it was never built it won awards, unfortunately what the council decided to do instead was pretty lame, however nothing would be done at all if it was not for the original project. The digital model contained all of the electrical and lighting infrastructure so as well as being a model to show off the concept it could be used to build the installation in real life
the second is a piece of site-specific sculpture that was placed around the living tree magazine article here the wall was thin unfortunately not show by photographs and although three stories high I had to design new foundations because, I could not dig down into the tree roots that would hurt the tree, and the wall itself needed to let the wind pass through it because the increase surface area could of uprooted the pine tree so I designed new concrete to do this!
It's always going to be a struggle for someone with the mind of Sherlock Holmes and the combine reading and writing age of Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po! However the little things like having the right format so my computer can read information really does make a difference.